Ramadaan Masjid
Monday, July 02, 2012
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmtu Llahi wa Barakatuhu
In 2006 (yes my blog is old - so am I).... I did a post on a Ramadaan Surprise box. I had used the tutorial from a site which showed a simple box with sections, and I decided it would look cool as a masjid. Anyway, the tutorial link no longer works and I've had so many requests.. I decided to re-do the whole thing for YOU! - you're welcome *grin*
Here is the PDF file, if for some reason you can not download it, email me and I'll send you a copy.
It's not a 'simple' craft... so if you decide to make it - you really love your child *cheesy grin*
They are different things you can fill the box with.
This particular box is for three children. One child is only 2 years old, so I’ve put a candy in for her, and she'll learn the numbers (30 days) and it'll give Ramadaan that specialness it deserves.
The other two children will get a candy as well as a piece of paper where they will write their charity
(sadaqa) for the day - in hopes they will learn about giving, and realize how much they can accomplish in a month.
Other options:
- add small (loot bag type) toys
- add a date for each day
- add a short hadith to read each day
- add a short sentence about Ramadaan (i.e: Allah gave us the Qur'an in Ramadaan).
If you have any other ideas, please share.
AND feel free to show me how you're surprise box turned out, I would LOVE to see it.
posted by Sketched Soul at 2:09 PM | Permalink

At 10:34 AM,
At 7:57 PM, Sketched Soul
WOW....Masha'allah...i love it! I need to make one too insha'allah...